Gulf Longevity Initiative
Gulf Longevity Initiative is a leading Longevity Policy Hub and think tank, part of Deep Knowledge Group's consortium, working to leverage the regional strengths and potential of Gulf countries to turn their nations into a world-leading Longevity Hub.
Gulf Longevity Initiative seeks to unite the resources of several Gulf countries towards the shared goal of concerted Longevity Industrialization, the improvement of public health and the optimization and extension of healthy aging. The initiative aims to enable the population to age better through the synthesis of early disease detection and preventive medicine. The combined industrial assets of Gulf countries provide all the resources required to create and maintain an internationally competitive position within the Global Longevity Industry.
Gulf Region Longevity Initiative Concept
Gulf Region Longevity Initiative Concept, developed by Aging Analytics Agency and Deep Knowledge Analytics, subsidiaries of Deep Knowledge Group designed to highlight Gulf countries at the forefront of collaborative efforts aimed at creating and advancing Healthy Longevity Hubs similar to the UK, Switzerland, Israel, Singapore and Japan. The concept is aimed to introduce key developments and opportunities in the Gulf Longevity sphere.
Gulf Region Analytical Reports
Notable Acknowledgements

Peter Fischer
Ambassador of Germany to UAE
German ambassador to United Arab Emirates & Permanent Representative to IRENA, Peter Fischer, tweeted Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Rankings published on 14th of April 2020

Abu Dhabi Chamber
The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce tweeted Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Rankings published on 14th of April 2020

Ahmed Bin Sulayem
Executive Chairman of DMCC
The Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce tweeted Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Rankings published on 14th of April 2020

Ministry of Media
The Saudi Government Communication Center
The Government Communication Center is one of the vital arms of the Ministry of Information, whose main task is to strengthen and integrate the tools of government communication. The Center tweeted about Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Safety Ranking published on 4th of June 2020

Majed Al Raeesi
Strategic Communication Expert
Majed Al Raeesi is a Political Analyst, writer and Strategic Communication tweeted about Deep Knowledge Group's COVID-19 Safety Ranking published on 4th of June 2020
Abu Dhabi ranked best city in the world for pandemic response
Deep Knowledge Group (DKG), a London-based analytical institute specialising in advanced analytics, has revealed in a new study that Abu Dhabi has come out top in the group's rankings as the safest city in the world thanks to its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
UAE rated among top 10 countries by millionaires seeking health security
The UAE’s investment migration programme has been rated the best in the Middle East and the Arab world and among the top 10 globally by the millionaires seeking health security, according to Deep Knowledge Analytics and Henley & Partners' new research.
Saudi Arabia ranks 17th in the world in the face of Corona
"The Government Communication Center - via Twitter - explained that the report of the DEEP KNOWLEDGE GROUP included 200 countries. The Kingdom ranked 17th in the first category, which includes 20 countries, ahead of major countries, including the G20."
Covid-19 pushes migration enquiries into overdrive
"Several countries that host (investment migration options) programmes rank highly on indexes such as the 2020 Global Peace Index (GPI), which measures the level of peacefulness in 163 states; the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business ranking of 190 economies; and Deep Knowledge Analytics’ updated Covid-19 Regional Safety Assessment rank of 250 countries, regions and territories released in August."
Saudi Arabia among the safest countries for COVID-19: Study
"The Kingdom ranked 17th among the safest countries in the world for coronavirus, according to the report prepared by Deep Knowledge Group. The regional assessment report is based on 130 quantitative and qualitative parameters and over 11,400 data points in categories like quarantine efficiency, monitoring and detection, health readiness, and government efficiency."
90% of COVID-19 patients in Saudi Arabia recover as infection rate passes 300,000 mark
"Saudi Arabia has been ranked 17th among the top 20 safest countries in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a regional safety assessment analysis conducted by Hong Kong-based consortium, Deep Knowledge Group."
Dubai given safe tourism stamp of approval amid global pandemic
"The UAE has been praised for its coronavirus response. A survey by the Deep Knowledge Group, a consortium of technology companies and non-profit organisations, last month ranked the Emirates as 11th on the list in its responses to the pandemic."
UAE one of safest countries in the world for Covid-19: Report
"The UAE is among the safest countries worldwide for Covid-19, according to a comprehensive report released this week. The Deep Knowledge Group has produced a 250-page dossier in which it assesses and ranks 100 countries according to their response to the pandemic."
Opportunities for Cooperation and Collaboration
Gulf Longevity Initiative is interested in cooperation, collaboration and initiating dialogue from a number of relevant organizations actively involved in Gulf Longevity Industry, including relevant policy-focused NGOs and think-tanks to establish a framework for the coordinated development of nations' Longevity policies and governance sphere.
Growing the Gulf Longevity Ecosystem to Scale
Gulf Longevity Initiative is aiming to work with a number of key Gulf Longevity Industry participants and stakeholders to develop a framework and blueprint for a National Longevity Development Plan to increase the national Health-Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) of all Gulf countries.